Send Text and Emails from a Spreadsheet
If you use spreadsheets to hold customer, you have probably wanted send emails or text messages directly from your spreadsheet. If you haven’t wanted to, maybe you do now! In this two-part video tutorial, I will show you how make a Google Sheet send an email or text message at the click of a button.
In Part 1 of the Employee Database tutorial, I explain how to format your Google Sheet.
Part 2 explains how to use Google Apps Script to automate sending emails and text messages directly from your spreadsheet.
Click here to access the sample sheet.
Note: In order to successfully send a text message, you must know the cell carrier of the person receiving the message.
In Part 1 of the Employee Database tutorial, I explain how to format your Google Sheet.
Part 2 explains how to use Google Apps Script to automate sending emails and text messages directly from your spreadsheet.
Click here to access the sample sheet.
function topRow() {var rowNum = 8; // Row 7 is the actual top row, but it is being skipped, so new rows will copy the data validation rulesreturn rowNum}function menuRow() {var rowNum = 6; // Column title rowreturn rowNum}function eSubject() {var cellAddr = "F1"; // Cell addressreturn cellAddr}function eMessage() {var cellAddr = "F3"; // Cell addressreturn cellAddr}
function anotherfunction() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(),
range = sheet.getRange(2,5,sheet.getLastRow(),1);
function clearSelection() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange(topRow(),1,sheet.getLastRow(),1);
function texting() {
function emailing() {
function addNewRow() {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().insertRowAfter((menuRow() + 1));
function deleteRow() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var firstRow = topRow();
// Get rows that need deleted
var rowNumbersToDelete = rowsToDelete(ss.getRange(firstRow, 1, ss.getLastRow(),1));
// Checks the length of the emailList, if it's 0 that means a box wasn't checked. Script ended
if (rowNumbersToDelete.length < 1) return;
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
//Pop-up box to confirm delete rows
var response = ui.alert(
'You are about to delete ' + rowNumbersToDelete.length + ' row(s). Do you want to continue?',
// Process the user's response.
if (response == ui.Button.YES) {
// Delete specified rows starting from the bottom of the sheet
for (var i = rowNumbersToDelete.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
// Uncheck boxes
ss.getRange("A"+firstRow+":A" + ss.getLastRow()).setValue("FALSE");
} else {
Browser.msgBox("Maybe next time.");
function sendEmail(button) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
// Row with column titles
var titleRow = menuRow();
// Top frozen row
var firstRow = topRow();
// Subject range from spreadsheet
var subject = ss.getRange(eSubject());
// Message range from spreadsheet
var message = ss.getRange(eMessage());
// Employee name column
// Range where the checkboxes are
var boxRange = ss.getRange(firstRow, 1, ss.getLastRow(), 1);
// Check which button was pressed
if (button === "Email") {
// If an email is being sent, check to make sure the subject and message cells are not empty
if (subject.isBlank() || message.isBlank()) {
// Let user know they need to do something
Browser.msgBox("You must include an email subject and message")
// Activate subject box
// Exit script
// Spreadsheet range which contains the emails
var emailRange = ss.getRange(firstRow, 6, ss.getLastRow() - titleRow, 1);
else if (button === "Text") {
// If a text is being sent, check to make sure the message cell isn't empty
if (message.isBlank()) {
// Let user know they need to include a message
Browser.msgBox("You must include a message")
// Activate subject box
// Exit script
// Check if the text message is going to exceed 160 characters
} else if (message.length > 160) {
// Warn user that their message may have issues being received by some phones
Browser.msgBox('Your text message exceeds 160 characters. Some phones may encounter issues receiving this message');
// Spreadsheet range which contains the text to emails
var emailRange = ss.getRange(firstRow, 7, ss.getLastRow() - titleRow, 1);
// Get the list of email addresses to send
var emailList = getEmailAddresses(emailRange, boxRange);
// Get total number of recipients from the email list
var recNumb = emailList.length;
// Checks the length of the emailList, if it's 0 that means a box wasn't checked
if (recNumb < 1) {
// Let user know they need to do something
Browser.msgBox("You must make a selection")
// Exit script
// Check if the number of emails exceeds the limit of 50 at a time.
} else if (recNumb > 50) {
// Let user know they need to do something
Browser.msgBox("You may only send up to 50 emails at one time.")
// Exit script
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// Use a pop-up box to ask user if they want to continue
var response = ui.alert('You are about to send ' + recNumb + ' message(s). Do you want to continue?',
// If the user says yes, then...
if (response == ui.Button.YES) {
// Popup message to let the user know the emails are being sent
// begin loop to send each email individually
for (var i = 0; i < recNumb; i++){
// send email
MailApp.sendEmail(emailList[i], subject.getValue(), message.getValue());
// Popup message to let user know the emails have been sent
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast("Email Sent!");
// Uncheck boxes
ss.getRange(firstRow, 1, ss.getLastRow() - (titleRow + 1), 1).setValue("FALSE");
} else {
// If the user decides they don't want to send the messages after all
Browser.msgBox("Better safe than sorry. That's what I always say.")
function getEmailAddresses(Range1, Range2) {
var vE = Range1.getValues(); // Values to return
var bE = Range2.getValues(); // Values to test
var arrE = [], cE = []; // New arrays
for (var r = 0; r < vE.length; r++) {
if (bE[r][0] === true) { // Test if box is checked
if (vE[r][0] !== "") { // Test for blank emails
return arrE;
function rowsToDelete (range) {
var firstRow = topRow(); // Top frozen row
var boxes = range.getValues(); // Values to test
var numbers = []; // New array
for (var r = 0; r < boxes.length; r++) {
if (boxes[r][0] === true) { // Test if box is checked
numbers.push(r + firstRow); // Array starts at 0 and there are 6 rows before the start
return numbers;
Note: In order to successfully send a text message, you must know the cell carrier of the person receiving the message.
If you're interested in learning how to do this with Microsoft Excel, check out this video.
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