
Free Google Sheets Workshops

Join Efficient Small Business on May 11th, 12th, and 13th for FREE, online Google Sheets workshops where you can learn the tips, tricks, and tools necessary to simplify and automate your workflow (and make your spreadsheets do the work for you). If you are a business owner or professional that needs to get more done with fewer resources, these workshops are for you. REGISTER NOW If you are like most businesses in the U.S., you are trying to keep the doors open without the resources you once had. Google Sheets is the premier online tool for increasing your productivity, and it is vital during these difficult economic times. The most amazing thing about this versatile application is that it’s FREE - $0.00! Google Sheets is light on the pocketbook with robust capability. Pick a workshop that fits you! Beginner Workshop Date: May 11, 2020 Time: 10 AM (Pacific Time) Duration: 1 Hour Location: Video Conference Details Are you new to Google Sheets? This begin...

Update to Google Sites

If you work with a team, Google Sites is a great tool to improve communication and increase productivity. It allows you to organize your data in a user-friendly way. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates with other Google services, so you can easily add files directly from your Drive. Recently, Google made updates to Sites, and we are excited about it. At Efficient Small Business, we want to keep you up-to-date on the newest developments to improve your workflow. The "New" Google Sites has been around for a few years, but it did not come with many features when it was first released (compared to "Classic" Sites). However, Google is steadily introducing new functionality and updates to make this platform more robust. Here are a few of the most recent updates. Collapsible Text It is now possible, to create a collapsible text element. This is ideal if you have a lot of information that you need to share, but you don't want to clutter your whole page. ...

Connect Google Sheets to Cloud SQL Using Apps Script

Occasionally, you have more information than a spreadsheet can handle. When you have a million or more rows of customer data, it may be time to switch to a database. But how do you keep using Google Sheets if your data is stored in a database? In this video, I demonstrate how to connect Google Cloud SQL to your spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. Interested in learning more about Google Apps Script and Google Sheets? Subscribe to my channel.

Free Tools to Help You Work Faster and More Efficient

If you are looking for faster, more efficient ways to run your business (or to help your employees work), there are thousands of services that can automate or manage different aspects of its. Everything from human resources and accounting, to inventory management and receptionist, can be outsourced or automated. These services can save you a significant amount of time, but they often charge a monthly or annual fee. What if you could save the same amount of time without recurring fees or spending anything at all? Spreadsheets to the rescue! You’re probably aware that spreadsheets are one of the most powerful tools for any small business, and the spreadsheets you’re using have likely saved you a significant amount of time. Without them you would be using a pen, paper, and calculator to run your sales reports (ain’t nobody got time for that). The real power that spreadsheets provide is the ability to automate tasks. This includes calculating your reports, but it is only limited by your im...